Artist, aspiring author, bookworm, language nerd, fur mom of five, and — most especially — sapphic with a different pen name for each activity.


Drawing as Lotus Haze, also known as “Lotus”, “Haze”, or formerly “작다리아가씨 jdrgss”, I am an artist first and foremost. Digital illustration is my passion and I hope to one day have it as my full-time career. I specialize in character design and have interest in 3D character modeling and animation.

Please be aware that my art X account may contain and/or share images, including artistic nudity, that are not suitable for viewers under 18. Please do not interact/follow if you are as minor.


Aspiring author* under the name “Peach” and bibliophile. Currently working on a mystery novel about a heart-broken lesbian and the ghost that only she can see.
*We don’t discuss my published anthology from high school


Other than illustrating and writing, another passion of mine is language and cultural studies. Since 2014, I have been studying Korean and their histories and am slowly learning Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, and a handful of other languages.

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